Alf, a rewatch thread

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Re: Alf, a rewatch thread

Post by Iggy »

Sorry Jeremiah for the long wait in replying, work has kept me too busy in the last couple of months... I do write these reviews in plain notepad before posting them here, just to spell check and organize my thoughts. I think I have it all saved on disc, pics as well, but I trust these forums more to keep it all safe :)

I'll start using the upload attachment, I wasn't too sure about it and photos in general since I'd hate to spend your bandwith and space. But if it's ok I'll do it. I'll also try me best to resume writing it, at this rate I might finish season 2 by Christmas :wink:
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Re: Alf, a rewatch thread

Post by Iggy »

Back on the track with the...

2.9 Night train *****
written by Bob Bendetson

I wasn't much of a Bob Bendetson fan in the first season. Although he did write a brilliant "Lookin' Through the Windows" he had a lot of missed opportunities and strange choices in every other episode he wrote. But this one was fantastic, one of the best Alf episodes we had so far.

It's such a brilliant character driven story told in a most wonderful atmosphere. If I had to sum it up in a single word it would be thoughtful. From watching the choo choo train in the garage, to riding in the real thing, looking through the open door to a night covered countryside and finally sharing a can of beans over a campfire while humming the tune of "The city of New Orleans". The soundtrack played on a harmonica gives further distinction to this, perfectly blending with well written dialogue that adds so many new layers to our two main characters.
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It was somewhat of a surprise to see Willie agree to go on this adventure, being the overly cautious guy he is. But it did show his growth. From the careless adolescent that we found out he was, to a family man he now is, finding his new adventures in the suburbs. It's what's great about Willie, he's so serious to the point of being boring all the time and yet you can feel there's more buried beneath, and we get to catch a glimpse of that every now and then. Great acting, it's what it is. It's also a cool bit of trivia that Willie dated Linda Evans (here she is in case you were wondering: ).
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And there's this whole new dimension revealed about Alf as well. Being 200 years old I guess we forget how young he actually is, and that in Earth years he's like an adolescent. Even though some of it was revealed in "Help me Rhonda" I don't think we ever took time to consider how Alf was adapting to all these changes, losing his home and living in a strange new culture. "Unlucky in love, unlucky in armageddon" as he put it. So it comes off great to have him compare his life's dreams and expectations with Willie, who chose his path in life and is content with it. Alf wishing for his planet back when they saw that shooting star was a fantastic moment. And to hear him ask Willie if he was sorry that he crashed on their roof was another one.
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The final scene in front of the camp fire was the perfect way to finish a perfect episode.
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Best joke:
Willie: "Did Kate say you can lay in there?"
Alf: "Does that sound like something Kate would say?"
Willie: "Get out of my bed."
Alf: "Now that sounds like Kate."
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Re: Alf, a rewatch thread

Post by Admin »

Great job as usual Iggy!!! I especially like the picture of Willie running :lol:
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Re: Alf, a rewatch thread

Post by Iggy »

Yeah that picture is my favorite as well :D

2.10. Isn't it romantic ***
written by Seth Weisbord

Another character episode, this time we expand on Kate and Willie's marriage. We get to hear some of the anecdotes that happened on their wedding and we see a recreation of their honeymoon hotel at Niagara Falls. And it's all because Alf was worried they were fighting too much and were going to divorce.

It's always nice to get this additional background, it's the kind of stuff that carries over to every other episode, so I always do favor character driven episodes more than story driven ones. And this one was very solid, had some good humor and what's maybe most important, it had Alf break a lot of stuff (just look at the list below!). Kate did say here that "he's always more destructive during hockey season".
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So, to help the couple get through their rough patch Alf first makes a most horrible dinner. A soup and a salad in one bowl and worm spiced champagne... It continues well with that toothpaste he put on a cake before. The hotel recreation was a good one though. He got Lynn and Brian in a costume, poked Willie and Kate about stealing the hotel towels. And I'm sure he especially enjoyed recreating all the accidents that happened there, from the pipe burst in the bedroom to cutting the dining room table. Did the trick though.
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No harm was done in the end (well, hopefully Willie will make it through that cold he earned due to being hosed down twice), Lynn was allowed to go on her ski trip, and even Kate admitted Alf did a nice thing for them.

Some other highlights include Alf mentioning to Willie that his glasses make him look owlish, Kate adding another rule: "no juggling with glasses". And you just gotta love a phrase "nuclear boo boo" :D.

Oh and another continuity plus was mentioning Lizard again.
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Best joke:
Alf: "The two of you. Willie and Kate. Kate and Willie. Husband and wife. Man and woman. circle with an arrow
pointing up. Circle with a little cross pointing down."

Things broken: casserole dish, cookie jar, dining room table, mattress, bedroom wallpaper destroyed and floor warped, "hotel" sign shorted out
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Re: Alf, a rewatch thread

Post by Lucky-ftw »

Wow, great reviews!

Only 2/5 for Come Fly With Me? I remember rolling around in agony when I saw ALF running past the window with the fire extinguisher for the first time. :lol:
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Re: Alf, a rewatch thread

Post by Admin »

Toaster: "Toasting."
ALF: "Quiet! I'm on the phone!"


Ratings are definitely an individual opinion. There are episodes that I would rate a 5 where others would give a 2-3 (and vice versa). I really enjoy reading Iggy's comments/views/opinions/ratings on the episodes - knowing how someone else feels really makes me look at them in a new light as I re-watch.

I personally feel this is one of the top 10 threads here on the forum! Well done, Iggy - this will be a truly special thread when all the episodes are here. When it's all said and done, you should compile a "Things ALF Has Broke" index and I can add it to the site (with full credit to you of course). There is a lot of great info here.
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Re: Alf, a rewatch thread

Post by Iggy »

Yeah it is all very individual. I know "Come fly with me" is a fan favorite but it just didn't grab me as some of the other episodes did. Maybe standalone, or compared to some other sitcom episodes, it would get a different mark. I still like it and I'm sure I'll keep rewatching all the 1* and 2* episodes.

Thanks Jeremiah, I'm glad you enjoy the thread :). It's been great so far to write about the show, I've learned a lot of new things and details that I didn't notice before... and I've also changed my mind about some episodes. "Night train" for example, it was never my favorite and now looking at what it did and how it added so much to the whole Alf world it's easily one of my top 5 shows.

One thing is for sure, picking the best season 2 episode will be tough. I'm not even half way there and there are still titles like the Christmas special, Someone to watch over me, Varsity drag, Can I get a witness...
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Re: Alf, a rewatch thread

Post by Iggy »

2.11. Hail to the chief ****
written by Lisa A. Bannick

This is one of those episode that only ALF can pull. I can't think of any other series that could take a president election discussion and make an entertaining 25 minutes of television from it, without even leaving the house. The whole story happens in just a single evening/night, so that gives a nice natural flow to this episode.

It starts with the Tanners (minus Lynn who went with a friend to the mall to the grand opening of a wiener on a stick) gathering in front of the TV for the presidential election debate. Willie gets home late to find out Alf neglected to pass all of his messages to Kate so there are some fun moments here. And Alf cracks a good joke about the paleness of male legs.

Now Congressman Nathan Peal, one of the presidential candidates, looks so familiar to me and I just can't point a finger to where I saw him. A quick search on the imdb revealed that he was Cam Winston in Frasier, being a Frasier fan it was great to see this guy here.

Anyways, we discover that Kate has some talent for international politics and that's what launches this episode. Alf being the curious alien he is prepares a few "political questions" and decides to spread them over the course of the night, waking Kate up at random intervals. Wasn't it hilarious how he snatched the bedroom key so he could keep coming back :D

Alf's overnight mischief was great. First he wanted to watch the big picture above the piano (with Willie remarking not to get any fur between the keys), then he wanted meat, and cheese, between numerous slices of bread (cracking another joke about Willie's shins glowing in the dark), and then he was trying on cheap jewelry.
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And Kate's dreams were just as funny. We heard Alf solve the pollution by collecting all the dirty air in balloons, then he appeared as Kate's PR agent choosing to change her name to Sigourney and shortening her skirt by 2 inches, and finally he became the president of USA solving all the problems by employing people to build houses for the homeless and then stopped the wars by having them select wallpapers for the finished houses. And how about that spinning the globe and randomly pointing to a country to offer them aid and child adoption? Hilarious stuff, as is the following snapshot :D
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And the final scene was such a cute one, Kate napping on Alf's lap and he's asking Lynn to help him get out of their. Plus there's a really great shot of Alf's feet ;)
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Best joke:
Alf: Interesting concept the pencil. Where did it come from?
Willie: Well, I've heard a number of theories on that.
Alf: How about the shortest one?
Willie: Stationary store.

Things broken: /
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Re: Alf, a rewatch thread

Post by Iggy »

2.12/13. Alf's Christmas Special *****
by Steve Hollander

We come to it at last. This is without a doubt a most perfect Alf episode and I know from all the posts on these boards that it's a favorite for many of you. It's an amazing blend of Alf-type humor and some of the most touching stories that have been told in this show.

We start as all Christmas shows should, with a festive song (Alf style of course with "81 cats 'a boiling" etc). The Tanners are going away for the holidays to an old cabin owned by Willie's friend, Mr. Foley (played by Cleavon Little, and I recognize the guy from Chevy Chase's "Fletch Lives" movie), so there's a nice change of scenery. As soon as they park Alf heads to "check the outdoor plumbing" and then cries for help as he gets stuck in the outhouse :P
Alf: "That's precious cargo"
Alf: "That's precious cargo"
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Neither the kids or Alf are too thrilled about the cabin, "Deck the dump with boughs of holly" Alf sings as he gives poison ivy instead of holly to Willie (Brian surprised us with his cub scout knowledge, somehow he doesn't strike me as the cub scout type but there you go). He goes then to spoil everyone's presents so right from the start it's the usual Alf's Christmas disaster, kinda like last years ;). Oh, it's also worth to mention that Alf packed their TV and the microwave, being really disappointed when he found out there's no electricity.

Willie looses his cool and snaps at Alf so he goes out of the cabin and climbs into Mr. Foley's truck full of toys looking for new presents for Tanner... and he accidentally hitches a ride with him to the children hospital.
"A rolling cat platter. Perfect for Lucky. I'll give it to Kate."
"A rolling cat platter. Perfect for Lucky. I'll give it to Kate."
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Mr. Foley dresses as a Santa and gives toys to all the kids in the hospital so Alf poses as one of the toys on the truck and eventually gets picked by a girl Tiffany that names him Amanda. She starts playing with him, has the nurse check his temperature and throws him a tea party, but eventually Amand... err Alf, draws the line when she wants to put earrings on him. He comes clean to Tiffany and asks her to help him get away, which she does.

And this is where the snow takes a more serious, emotional turn that makes it the remarkable episode it is. Alf overhears the doctor who doesn't have good prognosis on Tiffany, saying she won't live to see another Christmas. So Alf comes back to comfort her and there's this great interaction between them, a kid that's grasping the thought of her death and Alf sharing with her the loss of his planet. Really some touching moments.
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In the meantime we switch back to the Tanners, who found out that Mr. Foley gave them the cabin for Christmas and also that Alf is missing, so they go out into the woods to look for him. I imagine they enjoyed filming all these scenes in the open. We heard them say so many times what a production nightmare it was to film in their house so this must have been fun and relaxing.
Willie: "What is this a spinal repair kit?"
Willie: "What is this a spinal repair kit?"
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Alf bids Tiffany goodbye, wiping a tear as he's leaving her room. While wandering the hospital he gets stuck in an elevator with a woman that's just about to give birth. So what does he do? He of course puts on a mask and goes dr. Gordon Shumway :D. Alf delivers the baby, comments that it's no wonder there's money in medicine and excuses himself on being distraught cause of the upcoming golf tournament, and then in the sweetest gesture suggest that Denise names her baby Tiffany.
*Denise screams* Alf: "You already said that"
*Denise screams* Alf: "You already said that"
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The last story that Alf becomes involved with is that of Mr. Foley. Devastated from the death of his wife we find out that he plans to end his life by jumping of a bridge. It's the reason he gave the Tanners the cabin and the generous donation to the hospital. Luckily for him, Alf stops him just as he's about to do it with another touching dialogue, making George Foley realize the role he has in the life of other people.
"Executive santa"
"Executive santa"
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So Alf returns to the cabin, making a grand entrance through the chimney in full Santa outfit. And in the morning he takes the Tanners to visit Tiffany and the episode closes with a lovely speech by Mr. Foley.
Amazing in every way. Though I still like "Oh, Tannerbaum" more I really can't find any fault here. The only thing I'm sorry is that this wasn't made as a feature film. I'm sure if that were the case we'd be seeing this every year along with Chevy Chase, Tim Allen and all the other Christmas classics.

It's only 58 days until Christmas you know ;)

Best joke:
Willie: Kate is this poison oak?
Kate: Well, I don't know, honey. Brian is the Cub Scout.
Willie: How can you tell?
Alf: Elementary, Willie. Once a week, the kid puts on a blue uniform and goes to a meeting.
Willie: Are you finished?
Alf: Unless I hear laughter in the next few seconds. ... I withdraw the Cub Scout joke. Go on with your lives.

Things broken: /
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Re: Alf, a rewatch thread

Post by Blinky »

i noticed that in the first few episodes of ALF, the front door of the house had a little opened hole so people could look in or out.

and in later episodes, it gets covered up with wood. i imagine this was done because if people showed up, they could just look thru it and see ALF in the living room. if that ATF guy in the first episode just looked thru the doors window slot, he could have easily seen ALF.

im not sure, but i think that they also added curtains to the windows that are on the both sides of the door
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